From weddings, baby milestones, family photos and Christmas photos, I’ve captured them all.
I couldn’t contain my excitement at Christmas time when she told me she was having another baby. And by no one’s surprise, she had such a creative and clever idea for the Christmas photo!
Now, fast forward to April, Brittany and I chatted on the phone about the current Pandemic situation and whether or not we would be able to have a newborn session when the baby arrived. (At the time, my business was shut down due to mandated state quarantine guidelines.)
Her obvious concerns about the health and well-being of her family were weighing heavy on her. She really wanted to document the growth of her beautiful family with these photos but wasn’t sure if it would happen and I wanted to do everything in my power to help make this happen! We discussed several options: 1. They could come to my house and have a traditional photo session there (following the necessary precautions of course, but knowing that I would be handling the baby for most of the day made this not the most ideal), 2. We could do a lifestyle session in their home. I wouldn’t have to hold the baby at all and we could keep a safe distance (again, taking all necessary precautions as they deemed fit), or 3. As a last resort, I would lend them one of my cameras and we would do a zoom photo session with me talking them through the entire process (certainly not ideal in the least, but could be doable. I’m always up for a challenge).
The day Brittany was induced, I waited and continued to anxiously check facebook for news of the family’s newest addition. (yes, I get just as excited as the family does when it comes to these precious times – no shame!). Twenty-four hours go by and there’s still no news and my patience is dwindling 😉 Ok, she’s having a long labor, but still, crickets. Forty-eight hours later, still nothing…And then, on the brink of sending her sister a message to make sure all was well, she posted on FB that baby Alden had graced the world with his presence, born via c-section. Phew, what a relief!
A few days later, I reached out to her to see how she and baby were doing. Thankfully, the baby was doing great and she was feeling better and better every day.
We planned to do a lifestyle session the following week. Thankfully, that day the news came that our county was moving from the red phase to the yellow, meaning we were no longer under a stay at home order, aka, LET THE PHOTOGRAPHY COMMENCE!
I got to meet Alden for the first time just as he was waking up from a nap and ready for a feeding. The first photo op took place with Alora feeding her brother. I couldn’t get enough shots of how much she loves him already!
We talked about Alden’s birth, Alora’s graduation from preschool, family and much, much more.
Among these things, we talked about the number of photos displayed throughout the house that I took. It was like an out-of-body experience. I’m so used to seeing the photos through a lens and on a screen, but rarely do I see the actual prints. I felt a sense of pride in that moment because my work was good enough for someone to display to everyone in their life. (I’ve always known that’s the point of doing what I do, but seeing it firsthand is something different entirely!)
We captured cherished family memories throughout the next two hours. Before I headed out, Alora wanted to show me her bedroom. (Afterall, we saw mom and dad’s bedroom as well as Alden’s bedroom, so why not hers too? Couldn’t argue that!)
As I was pulling away from their house, I was almost in tears just thinking about what a beautiful, loving and kind family they are and how truly blessed I am to be a part of their life.
Newborn Lifestyle session
June 3, 2020
Oh these are so precious!! 💗 & I love all the ones with sister….. she is one proud smiling big sissy!!
She was super proud!
Wow, every photo is perfection! these will be treasured for generations!
Beautiful lifestyle newborn photos – the light is perfection. What a treasure for this family.
Thank you! I agree, lifestyle sessions are so much fun!
How cute!! I love the nursery photos. Beautiful!
Thank you! They are just the sweetest family!
These are so beautiful Claire. I’m so glad the restrictions were lifted in time for you to capture these special memories for this lovely family so they can hang them in their home alongside the others you’ve captured for them over the years. I absolutely love how big sister Alora is completely and utterly in love with her baby brother! Mom is going to cherish these pictures always!! beautiful work.
Thank you for such kind words. I really love the connection I have with my clients. Would much rather refer to them as friends instead of clients.